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New slang words in English

New slang words in English

120+ New Slang words: Learn how to use them. Without slang words in English you can’t communicate modern English. So there are given. We have sentences of daily use and vocabularies in large number of Common words.

New Slang words


1. Airhead (एक बेवकूफ व्यक्ति) – A foolish or dumb person

E.g. She is such an airhead she keeps forgetting to get her books.

2. Cheesy (घटिया) – Outdated or overused, sometimes cheap as well

E.g. She was tired of hearing cheesy pick-up lines.

3. Cushy (काफी आसान) – Comfortably easy

E.g. She had a cushy job as the floor manager.

4. Ditch (किसी चीज़ को त्याग देना या छोड़ देना) – Abandon something or leave

E.g. She has a reputation for ditching plans at the last minute.

5. Flicks (चलचित्र) – Movies or films

E.g. She went to the flicks with her best friends.

6. Freebie (मुफ्त उपहार) – Something that you get for free

E.g. The company was giving freebies to promote the product.

7. Grand (एक हजार) – A thousand

E.g. He made 20 grand at his old job.

8. Heave (उबकाई आना) – Vomit

E.g. “Uh-oh I need to heave!” She said before disappearing into the toilet.

9. Icky (अप्रिय या कष्टप्रद) – Unpleasant or annoying

She wrinkled her nose at the icky mess in the kitchen.

10. Umpteen (अनेक) – Incalculable, innumerable

“I’ve told you umpteen times to clean this room.” His mother scolded.

New slang words in English

Part – 1


1. Believe me. – मेरा यकीन करो ।

2. Call me back. मुझे वापिस कॉल करो ।

3. Do me a favour.  – मेरी मदद करो।

4 I donot mean it – मेरा यह मतलब नहीं है।

5. As soon as possible. –  जितना जल्दी मुमकिन हो

6. I don’t understand. मुझे समझ नहीं आता।

7.Absolutely not. – बिल्कुल नहीं

8. How much? – कितने पैसे हुए?

9. Don’t loose hope. – हिम्मत मत हारो।

10. What is the time?  क्या समय हुआ है?

11.I can’t say. – मैं नहीं कह सकता।

12. No idea! – कोई अंदाजा नहीं

13. It’s too late. – बहुत देर हो गई।

14. Hurry up! – जल्दी करो ।

15. Why not ? – क्यों नहीं

16. Don’t worry. – परेशान मत हो।

17. Pray to God. भगवान से दुआ करो

18. Help others.- दूसरों की मदद करो।

19. How stupid! – क्या बेवकूफी है।

20. Wake up – जग जाओ।

21. Get ready. – तैयार हो जाओ।

22.Don’t abuse. – गाली मत दो।

23. You are wrong. – तुम ग़लत हो ।

24. He is kind. – वो दयालु है।

25. Not you. – तुम नहीं ।


Part – 2

1. Well done! – शाबाश!

2. Who knows? – कौन जाने?,किसको पता है?, किसे पता है?, किसे मालूम है?

3. Wonderful! – अद्भुत

4. Birds sing. – पंछी गाते हैं।

5. Come on in. – अंदर आ जाओ।

6. Definitely! – निश्चित ही

7. Don’t move. – हिलो मत।

8. Fire burns. – आग जलाती है।

9. Follow him. – उसका पीछा करो।

10. I can swim. – मुझे तैरना आता है।, मैं तैर सकता हूँ।

11. I love you. – मैं तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ।, मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ। मैं आपसे प्यार करता हूँ। मैं आपसे प्यार करती हूँ।

12. I will try. – मैं कोशिश करूँगा।

13. I’m coming. – मैं आ रहा हूँ।

14. I’m hungry! – मुझे भूख लगी है! , मुझे भूख लगी है।

15. Let him in. – उसे अंदर भेजो।, उसे अंगर आने दो। |

16. Let me out! – मुझे बाहर जाने दो!

Part -3


▪️ध्यान दो – Pay attention [पे अटेंशन]

▪️आराम से – Take it easy [टेक इट ईज़ी]

▪️पानी पियो – Drink water [ड्रिंक वॉटर]

▪️धीरे पढ़ो – Read slowly [रीड स्लोली]

▪️कुछ लीजिए – Have something [हैव समथिंग]

▪️अच्छे के लिए – For good [फॉर गुड]

▪️कुछ मत करो – Do nothing [डू नथिंग]

▪️कुछ करो – Do something [डू समथिंग]

▪️छोड़ दो – Leave it [लीव इट]

▪️जाने दो – Let it go [लेट इट गो]

▪️ऊपर जाओ – Go upstairs [गो अप स्टेयर्ज़ ]

▪️मुझे सोचने दो। Let me think [लेट मी थिंक]

▪️हिम्मत करो। Take heart [टेक हार्ट]

▪️तेज दौड़ो – Run fast [रन फास्ट]

▪️सांस लो – Breathe [ब्रीद]

▪️बैठ जाओ – Sit down [सिट डाउन]

▪️बनाओ इसे – Make it [मेक इट]

▪️बंद करो – Stop it [स्टॉप इट]


2. New slang words in English


1. Airhead (एक बेवकूफ व्यक्ति) – A foolish or dumb person


E.g. She is such an airhead she keeps forgetting to get her books.


2. Cheesy (घटिया) – Outdated or overused, sometimes cheap as well


E.g. She was tired of hearing cheesy pick-up lines.


3. Cushy (काफी आसान) – Comfortably easy


E.g. She had a cushy job as the floor manager.


4. Ditch (किसी चीज़ को त्याग देना या छोड़ देना) – Abandon something or leave


E.g. She has a reputation for ditching plans at the last minute.


5. Flicks (चलचित्र) – Movies or films


E.g. She went to the flicks with her best friends.


6. Freebie (मुफ्त उपहार) – Something that you get for free


E.g. The company was giving freebies to promote the product.


7. Grand (एक हजार) – A thousand


E.g. He made 20 grand at his old job.


8. Heave (उबकाई आना) – Vomit


E.g. “Uh-oh I need to heave!” She said before disappearing into the toilet.


9. Icky (अप्रिय या कष्टप्रद) – Unpleasant or annoying


She wrinkled her nose at the icky mess in the kitchen.


10. Umpteen (अनेक) – Incalculable, innumerable


“I’ve told you umpteen times to clean this room.” His mother scolded.

One Word Substitution


1. A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market

Abattoir (कसाईखाना)


2. Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It

Abbreviation (संक्षिप्त)


3. To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily

Abdicate( त्यागना)


4. Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of Someone

Abdication (त्याग)


5. Do Away With

Abolish (समाप्त करना)


6. The Original Inhabitants Of A Country

Aborigines (मुलनिवासी)


7. An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed

Abridged( संगृहीत)


8. To Do Away With Rules

Abrogate (अभिनिषेध करना)


9. Move Faster

Accelerate (में तेजी लाने के)


10. Which Can Be Approached

Accessible( सुलभ)


11. To Accustom Oneself In New Climate

Acclimatize (जलवायु का अभ्यस्त



12. A Partner In Crime

Accomplice (साथी)


13. Responsible For One’s Actions

Accountable (उत्तरदायी)


14. Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing

Acquaint (परिचित)


15. The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By Verdict

Acquittal (दोषमुक्ति)


16. Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data

Actuary (मुंशी)


17. A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking

Adhesive (गोंद)


18. The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood

Adolescence (किशोरावस्था)


19. To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients

Adulteration (मिलावट)


20. Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft

Aeronaut (वायु-यान चलानेवाला)


21. Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes

Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)


22. Fear Of Height

Aerophobia (ऊंचाई का डर)


23. Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc



24. A List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting

Agenda (कार्यसूची)


25. To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease

Aggravate (छेड़ना)


 Some Sentences of Daily Use…


1. बिस्तर बिछा दो – Make the bed please.


2. समान खोल दो  – Unpack the luggage.


3. सुई में धागा डाल दो – Thread the needle.


4. नाक साफ कर लो  – Blow out the candle.


5. जाओ मजे करो – Go and enjoy yourself.


6. अपने जूते उतार लो – Take off your shoes.


7. नींबू निचोड़ दो – Squeeze the lemon.


8. उसी टेलीफोन करो – Ring him up.


9. 5:00 बजे का अलार्म लगा दो – Set the alarm at five.


10. जेबकतरों से बचो – Beware of pick – pockets.


11. अपने काम से काम रखो – Mind your own business.


12. अपने नाखून काट लो – pare your nails.


13. पेंसिल से मत लिखो – Do not write with pencil.


14. नंगे पांव मत चलो – do not walk barefooted.


✅ Sort English sentences


1. Tell me – मुझे बताओ।


2. That’s enough – काफ़ी है।


3. Don’t cry – रो मत ।


4. Enjoy yourself – मज़े करो।


5. Let me go – मुझे जाने दो।


6. Have patience – धैर्य रखो।


7. Shut the door – दरवाज़ा बंद करो।


8. Open the windows – खिड़कियां खोल दो।


9. Come with me – मेरे साथ आओ।


10. Switch on the fan – पंखा चालू करो।


11. It’s terribly hot – बहुत ज़्यादा गर्मी है।


12. That’s true – सच है।


13. He is asleep – वह सो रहा है।


14. I’m leaving – मै जा रहा हूं।


15. Not enough – काफ़ी नहीं है।


16. It’s obvious – ज़ाहिर सी बात है।


17. Sure! – ज़रुर ।


18. I’am tired –  मैं थक गया हूं।


19. I know – मुझे पता है।


20. Let her speak – उसे बोलने दो।


21. Boil the eggs – अंडे ऊबाल दो।


22. Not again – दोबारा नहीं।

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