Vocabularies with meaning
150+ new vocabularies with meaning: enhance word stock. These new words will really do wonders to your English that you want to learn. You can also go through our unique collection of short stories that are available here.
1. Daily use Vocabulary
1. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): anxious
Synonyms: worried, concerned
Antonyms: unworried
Example Sentence:He nodded, obviously perturbed about something.
2. ENORMOUSLY (ADVERB): (अत्यंत): very
Synonyms: extremely, exceedingly
Antonyms: moderately
Example Sentence:Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.
3. ACCOUNTABILITY (NOUN): (जवाबदेही): responsibility
Synonyms: liability, answerability
Antonyms: unaccountability
Example Sentence:Lack of accountability damaged public respect for business and political leaders.
4. IMMORAL (ADJECTIVE): (अनैतिक): unethical
Synonyms: bad, wrongful
Antonyms: moral
Example Sentence:Her behaviour was seemingly immoral.
5. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्यता देना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.
6. FACTION (NOUN): (विरोध): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:Gradually, the army faction had increased.
7. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
8. PLUNGE (NOUN): (गिरावट): fall
Synonyms: drop, tumble
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:The central bank declared a 76% plunge in its profits.
9. DIVINE (ADJECTIVE): (मनोरम): lovely
Synonyms: handsome, beautiful
Antonyms: mundane
Example Sentence:Her face had the most divine smile.
10. OPTIMISM (NOUN): (आशावाद): hope
Synonyms: confidence, buoyancy
Antonyms: pessimism
Example Sentence:The talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism.
New Vocabularies
1. WITHSTAND (NOUN): (विरोध करना): resist
Synonyms: hold out against, stand up to
Antonyms: give in
Example Sentence:The structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph.
2. SNAP (VERB): (टूटना): break
Synonyms: fracture, splinter
Antonyms: hold
Example Sentence:The strings of the guitar kept snapping.
3. CONTEST (VERB): (प्रतिवाद करना): oppose
Synonyms: challenge dispute
Antonyms: agree with
Example Sentence:The former orderly contests his dismissal.
4. VIGOUR (NOUN): (शक्ति): robustness
Synonyms: hardiness, strength
Antonyms: weakness
Example Sentence: ÷I am 69 but still full of vigour and vitality.
5. SURREAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक): unreal
Synonyms: bizarre unusual
Antonyms: real
Example Sentence:The story was a surreal mix of fact and fantasy.
6. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अराजक): disorderly
Synonyms: disordered, disorganized
Antonyms: orderly
Example Sentence:The administration of finance was as chaotic as the condition of parliament.
7. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (सहज में घायल होने वाला): at risk
Synonyms: endangered, unsafe
Antonyms: invulnerable
Example Sentence: Children are the most vulnerable members of society.
8. SPURN (VERB): (तिरस्कार करना): refuse
Synonyms: decline, reject
Antonyms: adore
Example Sentence:He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned.
9. RETREAT (VERB): (स्थान छोड़ना): withdraw
Synonyms: retire, draw back
Antonyms: advance
Example Sentence:When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat.
10. MOUNT (VERB): (उठना): increase
Synonyms: grow, rise
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:The costs mount up when we buy a home.
Daily use Vocabularies
1. STAUNCH (ADJECTIVE):(निष्ठावान): stalwart
Synonyms: loyal, faithful
Antonyms: disloyal
Example Sentence:He is known for being a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby.
2. NEEDLESS (ADJECTIVE): (बेकार): unnecessary
Synonyms: inessential, non-essential
Antonyms: necessary
Example Sentence: I deplore needless waste.
3. REBELLION (NOUN): (विद्रोह): defiance
Synonyms: disobedience, insubordination
Antonyms: obedience
Example Sentence:What she did was nothing but an act of teenage rebellion.
4. HASTEN (VERB): (जल्दी करना): speed up
Synonyms: accelerate, quicken
Antonyms: delay
Example Sentence:This tragedy probably hastened his own death from heart disease.
5. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनोखा/अद्भुत): eye-catching
Synonyms: startling, striking
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence:Her routines and leotards tend to be outrageous.
6. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): slack
Synonyms: slipshod, negligent
Antonyms: stern
Example Sentence:We must ever be lax with our security.
7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): terrible
Synonyms: dreadful, appalling
Antonyms: good
Example Sentence:Misuse of drugs can have dire outcomes.
8. DISENGAGE (VERB): (वापस लेना): withdraw
Synonyms: leave, pull out of
Antonyms: enter
Example Sentence:The commanders disengaged their forces.
9. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दंड निलंबित करना): pardon
Synonyms: spare, acquit
Antonyms: charge
Example Sentence:He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.
10. DEFECTION (NOUN): (पक्षत्याग): desertion
Synonyms: absconding, decamping
Antonyms: joining
Example Sentence:One defection from the government dissolved Temaru’s majority.
Unique words meaning
Synonyms: deprived, disadvantaged
Antonyms: privileged
Example Sentence:Needy and underprivileged members of the community.
2. RELAXATION (NOUN): (रियायत):moderation
Synonyms: modification, easing
Antonyms: tightening up
Example Sentence: Relaxation was given to censorship rules.
3. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without
Synonyms: go without, give up
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence: She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could.
4. TRAVAIL (NOUN): (कष्टपूर्ण परिश्रम): ordeal
Synonyms: trial, tribulation
Antonyms: comfort
Example Sentence: Advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.
5. DESECRATE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): violate
Synonyms: profane, pollute
Antonyms: venerate
Example Sentence:Not more than 300 graves were desecrated.
6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence: The newspaper had allowed to publish a provocative article.
7. UPHOLD (VERB): (समर्थन करना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse, sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence: The court upheld his claim for damages.
8. SCINTILLATING (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत चमकीला): brilliant
Synonyms: dazzling, exciting
Antonyms: boring
Example Sentence: His scintillating wit was loved by the audience.
9. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): stern
Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting
Antonyms: amiable
Example Sentence:Hikers made a grim discovery when they came across a dead body in the woods.
10. CRIPPLE (VERB): (विकलांग बनाना): disable
Synonyms: paralyse, immobilize
Antonyms: able-bodied
Example Sentence:A young student was crippled for life.
Useful words meaning
1. IMMEDIATE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान-संबंधी): current
Synonyms: present, existing
Antonyms: past
Example Sentence: The immediate concern was how to avoid taxes.
2. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on
Synonyms: assault on, raid on
Antonyms: retreat
Example Sentence: In case there is an incursion into our territories, we have to repel such attacks.
3. PRECEDE (VERB): (पूर्व में होना): lead up to
Synonyms: pave the way for, set the scene for
Antonyms: follow
Example Sentence:A gun battle had preceded the explosions.
4. VANITY (NOUN): (गुमान): conceit
Synonyms: self-conceit, narcissism
Antonyms: modesty
Example Sentence: It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
5. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): particular
Synonyms: specified, certain
Antonyms: general
Example Sentence: Huge savings were made to meet specific development needs.
6. NURTURE (NOUN): (लालन-पालन): upbringing
Synonyms: care, fostering
Antonyms: nature
Example Sentence: We are all what nature and nurture have made us.
7. SEIZURE (NOUN): (अभिग्रहण):confiscation
Synonyms: impounding, commandeering
Antonyms: restitution
Example Sentence:Cowed by the bold seizure of the leaders, the states of Holland submitted.
8. CONFIDE (VERB): (गुप्त रूप से बताना): reveal
Synonyms: disclose, divulge
Antonyms: keep from
Example Sentence: He confided his fears to his mother.
9. INTENSIFY (VERB): (बढ़ाना): escalate
Synonyms: boost, increase
Antonyms: lessen
Example Sentence: Eventually, the dispute began to intensify.
10. HARBOUR (VERB): (आश्रय देना): shelter
Synonyms: conceal, hide
Antonyms: hand over
Example Sentence: He was suspected of harbouring an escaped prisoner.
Important words meaning
1. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): practicable
Synonyms: practical, workable
Antonyms: impractical
Example Sentence: It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.
2. DECIMATE (VERB): (बरबाद करना): destroy
Synonyms: kill, remove
Antonyms: bear, build
Example Sentence: The inhabitants of the country had been decimated.
3. FARE (VERB): (अग्रसर होना): get on
Synonyms: proceed, progress
Antonyms: fail
Example Sentence: The party fared very badly in the recent elections.
4. RECLAIM (VERB): (पुनः प्राप्त करना): recover
Synonyms: regain, retrieve
Antonyms: forfeit
Example Sentence: You can only reclaim Rs 25 of the Rs 435 deducted.
5. MANOEUVRE (NOUN): (गतिविधि): operation
Synonyms: exercise, activity
Antonyms: inactivity
Example Sentence: Snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres on precipitous slopes.
6. DISENGAGE (VERB): (छुड़ाना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence: I disengaged his hand from mine.
7. ENTRANT (NOUN): (नौसिखिया): beginner
Synonyms: newcomer, fresher
Antonyms: veteran
Example Sentence: The prize will be awarded to the entrant who wins the tiebreak.
8. RIVAL (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): competitor
Synonyms: opponent, contestant
Antonyms: partner
Example Sentence: He has no serious rival for the job.
9. PART (VERB): (बिदा होना): leave
Synonyms: take one’s leave, separate
Antonyms: arrive, meet
Example Sentence: There was a good deal of kissing before we parted.
10. ANXIETY (NOUN): (चिंता): worry
Synonyms: concern, apprehension
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence: There was anxiety in her quiet voice.